Friday, December 31, 2010
In Loving Memory of Mom

Birthday Celebration!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Birthday Surprises in the Mail!
Today Harold, Jacob and I made a trip down to Richmond to go to Schlotzsky's (our favorite deli) and then to Chesapeake Mall for a look around (I stayed at the Barnes & Noble while they shopped) and then to Books-a-million. Before we left I had gotten a package of some bulk items I was waiting for via UPS (jars, wooden needle holders and small canvases), but when we returned, I had another package waiting for me from my cousin, Debbie. I love getting surprises from her, she gives such wonderful gifts. Inside the box was this:
Christmas 2010
Our tree Christmas morning
Little Bit trying to look innocent, so she had to have gotten into something earlier - LOL! See the Santa on the mantel, I got that from our friends, The Hodaks, as well as one in all white and they gave us gift card for The Mexico Restaurant.
Harold's stocking stuffers and some of his other gifts
Jacob's stocking stuffers and some of his gifts. The bowl of fruit and things are from our wonderful neighbor, Alice.
My stocking stuffers and gifts. The 2 Eeyore items are from Jacob's girlfriend, Karli and the cute dragon - Jacob got me. Aren't they adorable. I love Eeyore and dragons!
Santa brought this little item for Harold and Jacob
And just what do they do with it ...
They thought they were sooooo funny - they forget - I know where they sleep Hee! Hee!

Friday, December 17, 2010
Sad News
Sadly she passed away this evening. This was already going to be a rough Christmas, knowing that my mother was no longer here to talk to on Christmas Day and now I will not have Aunt Julia to talk to either. She always called to wish us a Merry Christmas! My heart goes out to my cousins as I know this holiday season will be a rough one and for years to come and I wish I could be with them, but will just have to settle for letting them know that my thoughts and prayers are with them during this time of mourning. They know I understand what they are going thru and why I can not be there with them. All my love to them and the rest of the family during this time of sorrow.
Julia Catherine Faulk Petry
November 7, 1933 - December 17, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Scarlet Sophisticates Christmas Soiree
We had two hat vendors:

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Happy Squirrels!
Happy Thanksgiving's Day!
More Treats and Cards
I have a lot more started and some more ideas floating around in my head. This week I will be busy getting more done.
Scarlet Sophisticates Turkey Dinner
Friday, November 19, 2010
We're a Great-Aunt & Uncle Again!

Friday, November 12, 2010
Sr. Ctr. Cards, Line Dancers and More Happy Mail!
Afterwards the HeeHaw Line Dancers came in and put on a show for the seniors, so Bobbie and I stayed to watch and have a light lunch with them. We had a blast! They put on a great performance and at the end had some of us come up to do the Elecric Slide. I volunteered to go up as I love to line dance (when I know the routine), but rarely do it anymore, because of my knees. I made it thru the whole dance, but barely. My knees and shins were about to give out on me, but I made it thru. Wish I could do something like this all the time, but that won't happen until after I get a knee replacement and that may be awhile.
Here is Janie (in back in brown) the Activities Director at the center joining in as she use to be a part of this group, so they had her join them on the first 2 dances. They were very good.
Afterwards they put their hats on a couple of us for a photo opt. Yea - that is me in the front center.
When I got home I had a surprise waiting for me...a package from my cousin Deb again. I was expecting another check from her for another order, but was surprised to get a box which had these enclosed. I had seen them on her blog and LOVED them, so I was very exciting to be getting one of each. I love the penguin ... so cute! Isn't the card beautiful!
I had also gotten a package the day before from Alicia with the blog candy I had won. She was secretive about what it would be, so I was very happy to receive a pretty card from her along with a roll of Stampin' Up! Chantilly ribbon. Can't wait to use it!