Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More of that White Stuff

Well, this weekend we got some more snow...we still had a few inches left from the last one that had not melted off yet in the yard. We got at least another 20 inches. It was beautiful to look at, but we lost power on Sat. around 2pm. One Sunday we went over to my friend, Mary's house to take showers, warm up and watch the Super Bowl. We had planned to go over to Margarethe's and stay at her place that night as it was going to be colder than it had been on Sat. night. However, luckily (per our neighbor) the power came back on during half-time and we got to return home after the game and stay home. We still have a lot of our camping equipment from when George was in Scouts - camp stove, battery and propane lanterns and a propane heater. I did cook dinner on the camp stove on Sat. Here are a few pictures of the snow on Sat. and Sun.

Harold decided to clean off the grill after he finished clearing the heat pump.

This is the holly bush on the corner of the front of the house...I love how it looks covered in snow with the red berries on it. You can't really see them in the picture, but they really stand out in real life.

The front of the house after Harold cleared some of the snow.

The back yard on Sat. Kinda gloomy day, but it was still beautiful.

This is how it looked on Sunday morning about 9:30 am., but the snow on the bushes was melted off by mid-day.

I did finally get birdseed in the feeder before it snowed again, but I think the birds decided it was too cold to come out and were hunkered in their nests trying to stay warm...The squirrels did come out and try to get some the next day. Sure the birds did too, I just didn't get to look out to see them.

Today it started snowing again in the late afternoon. More of a sleet/snow mix, but is to change to fluffy snow during the night and possibly back to sleet/snow tomorrow. They are estimating 6-8 inches for us. I guess we just have to be happy that we aren't getting as much as they are just a little further north, towards DC.

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