A giant earthworm, with a red hat even - LOL!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Maymont Flower & Garden Show
Birthday Luncheon for Melodye
Margarethe had ordered the new milk carton die from Stampin' Up! and let me try it out before bringing her order to her. So I threw together some little Valentine Treats to give each of them.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
We went out to dinner at our favorite - Carlos O'Kelly's Mexican restaurant on Sat. and today we tried to go to the movies, but the one we wanted to see was sold out - Lightning Thief. We may try tomorrow. Harold gave me some beautiful flowers and I gave him a small box of chocolates and a card. Now for the last 3 years the cards I have made him have managed to have a mouse on them and I decided to keep with the new tradition. However, I did not have a new mouse stamp to use, but then I remembered this little punch mouse that was being made at Christmas and decided he was perfect and I had to make him.
Birdwatching in our backyard
Blue Jay
I love the markings on his back - Beautiful!
Junkos (aka snowbirds)
Tufted Black-crested Titmouse
We even had a little tift between the Downy Woodpecker and the Titmouse - Downy started it!
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Then on Thurs., 2/11 we had some different birds show up.
Northern Cardinal (male)
This is the only squirrel I have seen out since the snow.
Rofous-sided Towhee
Northern Yellow-shafted Flicker
Mockingbird -This one is normally to be found in the front yard terrorizing all of the other birds (and squirrels) and keeping them away from the holly bush and its berries in front of the house. She eats the ones in the neighbors yard that she lives in during the winter and mine is in reserve for the spring. She won't let any other birds near it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
More of that White Stuff
Harold decided to clean off the grill after he finished clearing the heat pump.
This is the holly bush on the corner of the front of the house...I love how it looks covered in snow with the red berries on it. You can't really see them in the picture, but they really stand out in real life.
The front of the house after Harold cleared some of the snow. The back yard on Sat. Kinda gloomy day, but it was still beautiful.
This is how it looked on Sunday morning about 9:30 am., but the snow on the bushes was melted off by mid-day.I did finally get birdseed in the feeder before it snowed again, but I think the birds decided it was too cold to come out and were hunkered in their nests trying to stay warm...The squirrels did come out and try to get some the next day. Sure the birds did too, I just didn't get to look out to see them.
Today it started snowing again in the late afternoon. More of a sleet/snow mix, but is to change to fluffy snow during the night and possibly back to sleet/snow tomorrow. They are estimating 6-8 inches for us. I guess we just have to be happy that we aren't getting as much as they are just a little further north, towards DC.
Making Cards with a Friend
Melodye loves bunnies, so we used my Bee Bunny stamp and her bunny stamp. Love the little butterflies we added to it from the Beautiful Wings Embosslit Die in the Stampin' Up! Occassions Mini catalog right now. They are sooooo beautiful.
Monday, February 1, 2010
More of that Fluffy White Stuff
This past weekend it snowed again...great big fluffy flakes. I love it! Here is one bird that braved coming out while it was still coming down. Unfortunately, I had no food in my birdfeeder. Need to go get some and refill it.
The people across the way were out cleaning the snow off one of their cars and the kids were playing frizbee with their black lab. He was having a blast in the snow.