Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blossoms Abound!

I love this time of year when everything starts blooming. Here are some shots of my gardens. The Black-eyed Susans are coming back up (they did last year but didn't bloom, but buds are forming this year).

Before the flower pictures, I wanted to share one that I took of a beautiful rainbow I took from the sliding glass door to the backyard on April 26th. Isn't it beautiful - it was sooooo vibrant!

Front yard:

Purple Cone flowers (Echinacea)

Canna Lilies


Athena bush

Jacob's roses

Red Hot Pokers
All the greenery around the birdbath are my Black-eyed Susans.
Can't wait for them to start blooming.


  1. Oh my gosh! Absolutely beautiful pictures. The clear. You are definately a master with that camera.


  2. I LOVE the rainbow shot!! It is gorgeous! And Jacob's rose bush too - how nice. I think the purple cone flowers are lovely.
