Monday, December 7, 2009

Catch Up Time!

Hi Everyone, sorry I have not posted in awhile....not much has been going on. A few Red Hat events and Thanksgiving. Our good friends and neighbors, the Hodaks, invited us over for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. The past few years I have not been cooking for Thanksgiving, we go out to eat, so it was nice to sit down and have a good meal with friends. With conflicting schedules we don't get to see each other often, so this was a chance for us to play catch-up as well.

The past few weeks I have been slowly making Christmas cards to send to Jacob for him to hand out to his platoon for them to send home. I finally got them all made. I made 100 cards and then after converting some card fronts I had into full cards and a few that a friend had given me to send, I ended up with 121 cards in all to send him. That package went out today, so it should get to him in time for them to send them out.
Saturday I went to a Red Hat Christmas Luncheon with my Scarlet Sophisticates group that was hosted by another group in Richmond at the beautiful Jefferson Hotel. It was so neat to look out and see nothing but a sea of red hats. Well, mostly red, mine and a few others were purple since December is our birth month. Some of the hats are absolutely exquisite. Someday I will get myself one of those fancy ones, but it will be awhile. Anyway, here are a few pictures from the luncheon.

Red Hats as far as the eye can see!

The Scarlet Sophisticates

Our Queen Mum Jeri B.

JoAnn B. and her beautiful hat!

I was even able to get a picture taken of me!

Queen Marianne R. and her group (Hostesses of the Luncheon)

We also got snow on Saturday. We haven't had snow this early in the season for a looong time. It was mixed with some rain, so it was a very wet snow. It was only raining hard when we drove down, but about halfway back it started mixing with snow and then was just snow by the time we reached Fredericksburg. After dropping off my riders and heading home, I stopped by the Golf Course about a mile from the house and took these was sooo beautiful. Most of it is gone now.

Look close and you can see the snow falling.

Those specks are the snow falling and the flash reflecting off them.

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