Not sure what he was as he came back over after he finished trick or treating so that I could take his picture. He was tired of wearing the rest of his costume (mask and gloves with blades on the top) and I am not familiar with this comic/cartoon character.
I didn't dress up again this year, but I did at least wear a little headpiece I bought at the $ Store.
Also, today I received this card in the mail from my good friend, Margarethe. Even though she rarely ever signs her cards, I know it is from her. This card was done using the bleaching technique. I love the way it came out.
Just checked my e-mails and I have some of our nephews in CO - Cole & Patrick. My poor little nephew, Jay-Jay in TX is sick (so is mommy and daddy). They will be celebrating Halloween next week with a few special neighbors. Here is a picture of Cole (Mickey Mouse) and Patrick (Swiper costume ??)
Mike, Cole & PatrickPatrick