I am now in a special red hat group called "Sock Monkey Sisterhood". Yep, you read it right Sock Monkey! We have a blast even though much of it is online on our private FB page and the individual group get-togethers of the different groups all over. The ladies in this group live all over, a few of which include 6 of us here in VA (my group), to some in the states of Washington, LA, TX, Ohio and Maryland as well as other states. We have a blast. It started with sock monkeys, but any monkey is allowed. We name them dress them, have them talking online and make up stories about things they do. We take them with us to red hat events. We are in our second childhood (that is, it we ever left our first - LOL!) Mine, of course, had to meet Bonnye Anne. So I took a few with me when I went down and got her picture with them when she was born and the last time I went down in Aug. I have done some trading with one SMS friend from Washington state and she made the purple and red crocheted outfit for me in trade for some stamping supplies. She also sent me several dragons to add to my dragon collection and I was to pick on to give to Bonnye Anne.
Taken on 8/18/12. Love that sweet smile!
Above her are: Jo-Jo, Ziggy and Rosie
In front of her are Lizzy & Giggles, the brown one has not yet been named.
Bonnye Anne with the dragon that my SMS friend, Marie Lukas sent for her.
One of my other new friends, Kathy Menz makes individual baby monkeys each with a unique face and this is one she made and gave to me in trade, so that I would always have a Bonnye Anne with me (can you figure out what I named her - LOL!) So here I am with both of my Bonnye Annes.
Taken 9/3/12