Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Visit with George and Family

Last month we went out to KS to take care of Brexton while Mandy packed up things for them to move out of their apt. while George is away. She and the kids are going out to CA to stay with her mom while George is overseas.So she packed away the things they were taking out with them in a trailer. George will finish up a few things that will go into storage before he heads out. They drove out to CA the day after we left and then George flew back to KS. Brexton is soooo cute and cuddly. He took to us immediately - no little shy boy act at all. He loves his grandpa, especially when he starts to get a little sleepy and grumpy. Grandpa had the magic touch with him then.


Such a cutie!
Who could resist this face!
Who me - I ain't gettin' into anythin'!
Brexton in the adorable sweater that Mary V. knitted for him!


  1. Oh my goodness, I can't believe how big Brexton is getting! He is so adorable!! They make quite a handsome family. You must be very proud!

  2. Goodness, what a big boy Brexton is getting to be! He is absolutely adorable! I just love all the pictures, and I am so glad that you posted them! He is too cute!

  3. What a lovely family. Brexton...oh my goodness, what a cutie pie! I can relate to grandpa having the magic grandson, John (Bubba's son), prefers Billy to me anyday. Could be because Paw Paw bought him his first set of drums! LOL

